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British Columbia Steeple Results:
Results from Women's Steeplechase Report, a free newsletter sent to readers about 30 times each year.

Automatic Timing and 3000m race distance unless stated otherwise. Reported Age, Birthdate, or Birth Year included (in parentheses) of athletes eligible for age-based championships such as Under age 23, Juniors, Youth, or Masters.

DNF=Did Not Finish MR = Meet Record; NR=National Record PB = Personal Best; SB = Season Best

Canadian Youth Champs
August 11, 2013
Langley, British Columbia
Automatic Timing
2000m SC, under age 18: 1-Marita Deschiffart (1996) 7:02.73; 2-Alyssa Bolliger (1996) 7:05.83; 3-Erica Deschiffart (1996) 7:07.69; 4-Veronika Fagan (1997) 7:12.77; 5-Madison Oxton (1997) 7:27.99; 6-Nicole Kitt (1996) 7:28.58; 7-Tarina Ready (1996) 7:43.96; 8-Sam-antha Fader (1996) 7:48.60; 9-Jade Berube (1997) 7:50.83; 10-Emma Edmonds (1997) 7:56.58 11-Madysen McNeil (1997) 7:58.62; 12-Alexondra Kiely (1997) 8:10.04.

1500m SC, under age 16: 1-Glynis Sim 4:54.43; 2-Kendall Fitz-gerald 4:56.25; 3-Bethany Bolton 5:00.22; 4-Laura Dickinson (1999) 5:06.53; 5-Kirsten Frantz 5:06.94; 6-Maggie McClure 5:13.86; 7-Mik-ayla Tinkham 5:15.08; 8-Laurence Normandin 5:19.09; 9-Charly Bonga 5:25.76; 10-Emily McGoey 5:27.35; 11-Kathryn Harris 5:27.59 [Dickinson born in 1999; others in this race born in 1998]

Vancouver Island HS Champs
May 16, 2013
Victoria, British Columbia
Automatic Timing
1500m Steeple: 1-Madelyn Brunt, Oak Bay 5:16.34; 2-Marita DeSchiffart, Nanaimo 5:20.77; 3-Josephine Simpson, Carihi 5:25.66; 4-Joanna Williams, CRCS 5:31.78; 5-Erica DeSchiffart, Nanaimo 5:34.47; 6-Thia King, Nanaimo 5:46.31; 7-Lydia Young, Oak Bay 5:53.26; 8-Holly Young , Mount Douglas 5:59.62.

British Columbia HS Champs
June 6, 2009
Burnaby, British Columbia
Automatic Timing
1500m Steeple 1-Laurel Draper, Oak Bay 5:09.25; 2-Samantha Walkow, Semiahmoo 5:10.32; 3-Sarah Sawatzki, Sardis 5:11.95; 4-Alycia Butterworth, Ballenas 5:13.32; 5-Maggie Woodward, Oak Bay 5:22.67; 6-Katherine Digby, Kitsilano 5:24.59; 7-Courtney Roskelley, Oak Bay 5:27.46 [18 finishers; Last = 6:06.95]

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