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North Korea Steeple Results:
Results from Women's Steeplechase Report, a free newsletter sent to readers about 30 times each year.

Automatic Timing and 3000m race distance unless stated otherwise. Reported Age, Birthdate, or Birth Year included (in parentheses) of athletes eligible for age-based championships such as Under age 23, Juniors, Youth, or Masters.

DNF=Did Not Finish MR = Meet Record; NR=National Record PB = Personal Best; SB = Season Best

National Sports Festival
October 24, 2017
Chongju, North Korea
Automatic Timing
1-Jo Ha-Rim 10:34.47; 2-Lee Se-Jung 10:39.09; 3-Nam Bour-Ha-Na 10:46.84; 4-Shon Yu-Na 10:47.44; 5- Kang Ye-Jin (1998) 10:52.74; 6-Jung Se-Hyun (1998) 10:58.49; 7-Shin Sa-Huin 11:01.71; 8-Lee Hyun-Ok 11:10.11; 9-Oh Jung-Hyun 11:23.68.

High School Girls: 1-Choi Su-Ah (2000) 11:00.31; 2-Jung He-Jung (1999) 11:06.71; 3-Jung Hye-Won (2000) 11:07.34; 4-Lee Hyun-Jung (2001) 11:18.23. [6 finishers, Last = 12:04.21]

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